When the only things your oppressors care for are money and property, you have to hurt those things on some level for protest to work. It's not like you can appeal to their human empathy. They seemingly have none.
Nazis believed in censorship, and in Britain if you post something the government considers racist online there is a high likelihood you will be arrested certainly some Dems would be more than okay with that Nazi move of censoring something you don’t like.
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the Walk of Fame, including the nomination and selection process for new stars.
At least some jobs are secure. The people tasked with the repair and cleaning of the many accessible 'tributes' to djt, have a long four years ahead of them.
Harris is a nazi isreal is committing genocide. Since she's a part of the biden administration she has the blood of Palestinians on her hands because we armed a Jewish Hitler. Libs will defend the indefensible because they believe trump is the only nazi & not the empire
Those people behind the apprentice are to blame for his “rise” in any case they knew he was trash but they built him up to be something he’s completely not, they made him think he’s an emperor
None of us going back to the Nazi or Fascist elite
Eat the cunts in the street for their meat
If that is what it takes mate
Chew them up
Spit em out
Going Going Gone For Good This time
Thanks for waking us up to this shit Donald Duck, you fuck.
If you Google "Remove Trumps star from..." You will get dozens of links. Removing that soul-sore has been the subject of many meetings, petitions (I signed one), and videos.
It is one of the most vandalized spots in all of Hollywood...
Some Christian priest translated it as swastika to distance his own faith's symbol from the actions of white Christian supremacists. Swastika is Sanskrit and a symbol of auspiciousness used by several cultures.
hakenkreuz is a fundamentally anti-christian symbol invented by national socialists based on pagan symbolism. literally broken cross in german. your level of ignorance of history mixed with fanatical ideological bias and pure hate is truly ridiculous.
No, this is a fundamentally Christian symbol used by CHRISTIAN men based on their view of white Christians. Literally blaming non Christian religions for the actions and beliefs of white Christian men is heinous. Your ignorance is not surprising, but you hate and racist idiocy ooze through.
nationalistic idea; in the hooked cross, the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work."
Calling everyone you disagree with racist is the most pathetic technique used by brainwashed idiots like you :)
The word of the infamous creator:
"As National Socialists, we see our program in our flag. In red, we see the social idea of the movement; in white, the
It has been happening for years, my fav was the sledgehammer destruction. Can’t remember which celeb mentioned they didn’t want their star next his because it gets vandalized so often.
Facts Must reach out to elected officials daily to remind who voted them into office. Boomers’ recognize we must
🛑TheKremlin N the WH
Framers’🇺🇸 will Not B 🇷🇺
🛑Oligarchs, especially Musk’s illegal actions
I am usually not a fan of vandalism, but I'll make an exception in this case because no one will be out of pocket except Trump if he needs to buy another vanity star.
Unfortunately that's a Buddhist symbol. Maybe that will fix things. Could Trump suddenly become a Buddhist? 😂
( Backwards) If it's double S then it would be a Nazi swastika... think "The SS".... just flip the photo around and it works for that #tRump...
How about getting the terminology correct. The swastika is a symbol of auspiciousness, this fucker needs a Hakenkruez, the hooked Christian cross his hero Adolph used in his bed time reading, Mein Kampf.
Hitler used the symbol specifically because of its auspiciousness and its ancient Indo-European connections. They considered themselves “Aryans,” unsubscribe to the bullshit that that was supposed to make them superior. The terms “swastika” and “Hakenkreuz” (correct spelling) are interchangeable.
They're actually not. Speaking for the culture that actually are the Indo part of that. Please stop shitting on our holy symbols because your Europeans are genocidal asshats who have been murdering people under crosses, hooked or otherwise for thousands of years.
Ugh. They just need to remove it. There are plenty of celebrities that aren't there that should be. Like George Lucas. Why the hell is Trump even there?
What I don't understand is why the hell did they wait so long!? It was so obvious yet the Dems just sat on their hands. All for the "peaceful transfer of power"!
I’m guessing they were trying to show how democracy really works in making change peacefully. That it takes the people to rise up, make themselves heard to make the change. If they had announced it right away, they would have received hard opposition from the January 6 rioters and such.
... IDK I mean I totally know where you're coming from and I really, I partially agree. I believe in the peaceful change of power I also don't believe in acting like Trump and friends and right away saying "IT'S RIGGED IT'S ALL RIGGED" lol.
BUT.... look at the hell this has brought!
It may have just been better for the Democrats to just challenge it and face the ridicule of supposed hypocrisy.
I don't even know if he totally lost I just know it would have been extremely close.
there were something like between 5:00 and 7 million votes discounted that were Democratic votes!
Yes, I've thought of the opposition and possible violence but doing nothing to at least investigate audit or speak up before it was too late is what got us where we are. We may never get the chance to go back to a true democracy again. They control too much and know how to cheat effectively. IMO
To clarify, I absolutely believe in the peaceful transfer of power. It was never even a question before. I hope to see it again in our country's future but as the saying goes we can't keep 'bringing a knife to a gun fight'. The rules have changed!
The scariest thing about Trump and the people he surrounds himself with is their low intelligence, minimal knowledge, lack of deduction capabilities, and their horrible sense of humor which always shows how nasty they are.
And for a businessman, he has little knowledge of how an economy functions
You probably uploaded it over the photo button and not over the film button, try that it might work... Trump's star is the one that needs to be replaced to most btw!🤣
I think this is deliberate - a reference to the Russian Z symbol.
The German Nazis used two crossed stylised Ss.
The Russian Nazi (implied) is two crossed Zs.
Im surprised someone didn’t piss on it or piss in a milk jug and pour it 😂
If I ever get to Hollywood I will take the ticket that comes from pouring piss on his star and frame it. You see because unlike trump if i do a crime I am man enough to do the time that comes with it.
Nah. Hollywood is one of the problems.
It's allowed the USA to project this idea that they are the good guys.
Don't get me wrong, I like many Americans, but I feel their culture is a force for blind stupidity, cruelty and entitled authoritarian followers.
I've seen this star otherwise defaced even in the last couple of weeks. They probably cleaned it up and now there's a swastika on it. All this is valid of course but at some point if they had any courage they would just remove the star.
The leftist vandals aren't sending their best 🤣
From “Parable of the Talents” by Octavia Butler
Trump rimshot licker
Then block
Delete him.
Harris is a nazi isreal is committing genocide. Since she's a part of the biden administration she has the blood of Palestinians on her hands because we armed a Jewish Hitler. Libs will defend the indefensible because they believe trump is the only nazi & not the empire
Someone is going to sledgehammer it into chunks.
Every attempt to replace it will also turn to chunks.
Eat the cunts in the street for their meat
If that is what it takes mate
Chew them up
Spit em out
Going Going Gone For Good This time
Thanks for waking us up to this shit Donald Duck, you fuck.
BnaAamnp Nytnh
'Don't be such a Trump. Jeez.'
#resist #rise #flight
Trump is a traitor
It is one of the most vandalized spots in all of Hollywood...
But seriously... How do we know?
Calling everyone you disagree with racist is the most pathetic technique used by brainwashed idiots like you :)
"As National Socialists, we see our program in our flag. In red, we see the social idea of the movement; in white, the
Crazy people.... defacing a unisex bathroom.
Simply horrible.
I wonder who the artist is!
He does great work!
Thats a phenomenal piece!
I was not to deface or destroy others property but I support this whole heartedly
🛑TheKremlin N the WH
Framers’🇺🇸 will Not B 🇷🇺
🛑Oligarchs, especially Musk’s illegal actions
Why the fuck does he have a star?
My pup knows to crap on truly disgusting things like trump.
Comrade Krasnov government The National Socialist American Workers Party.
Fcking Nazi.
#Swasticar #Swastikar #Tesla #Cybertruck #FordMustang
( Backwards) If it's double S then it would be a Nazi swastika... think "The SS".... just flip the photo around and it works for that #tRump...
Fixed it for you.😇
(He was Paddington Bear in the Ukrainian dub)
Is this from an opponent or from a supporter?
to be repaid DOGE for Elon
BUT.... look at the hell this has brought!
I don't even know if he totally lost I just know it would have been extremely close.
there were something like between 5:00 and 7 million votes discounted that were Democratic votes!
And for a businessman, he has little knowledge of how an economy functions
Someone should drop a 💩 on it.
It was a funny video, that gorilla went ape-shit on that luggage.
His star needs to go.
-R. Kelly
Also the swastika is the wrong way. 🤪
The German Nazis used two crossed stylised Ss.
The Russian Nazi (implied) is two crossed Zs.
If I ever get to Hollywood I will take the ticket that comes from pouring piss on his star and frame it. You see because unlike trump if i do a crime I am man enough to do the time that comes with it.
It's allowed the USA to project this idea that they are the good guys.
Don't get me wrong, I like many Americans, but I feel their culture is a force for blind stupidity, cruelty and entitled authoritarian followers.