Gee maybe I’m just racist against South African men who butt their ugly ass face into my countries government and runs things behind a curtain of deception because he is not legally allowed to be president?
I’m not familiar with American law but is this not inciting violence towards the Judge’s daughter or, at the very least, threats and intimidation against the Judge?
Let's pretend it was your daughter. You drive, I'll buy. And by buy, i mean beat the fucking shit out of him. Until the breathing stops. Then I'll perform cpr so you can have a turn.
Her state may have that as a crime... CA, IL, AZ, CO, OK & AL have anti-doxxing laws, other states list cyberstalking and harassment as something he could be charged with.
But he’s never “physically hurt anyone”.
It’s quite clear his intentions here and he needs to create distance from the acts he incites… to create distance from the consequences.
Would a regular citizen get away with this? Or be held in contempt of court?
Musk, et al will engage in Giuliani-level stochastic terrorism to their heart's content, knowing Bondi will be too busy harassing Habitat for Humanity.
Anyone in front of #Ketamelon should immediately challenge him to a fight. He’ll never fight, but he’s incapable of handling a physical challenge made to his face. Exposing his #Beta nature matters to the mouthbreathers that worship him and think Buffalo Wild Wings is a white male sanctuary city.
He is such a miserable human being!!!😡
If he doesn't get his way, he has a tantrum and shares information, so his crazies can go after people.
What kind of sick, demented person does that??!!
Right but if we post info on his pre pubescent doge nerds he goes crazy. Fuck you Elon you fucking traitor and corporate thief in the worst possible way.
This is horrific and the reason no one will stand up to him/ them. This was in Feb and reposted from Laura Loomer. She should be held accountable as well as him.
So he is taking the advice of Trump! No respect for people or their families! Why do we have to put up with this crap!? That is like a gangster threatening a man’s family!☹️
Time to start posting pics of all 14 of fElon Muskys neglected children. Their names if you can spell it. The locations of such and any other info. It's only fair now!
He should be fucking arrested, who the fuck invited him to this party??..
KKKing Trump and Oligarch Muskrat have had all the guardrails removed..
They believe they are above the law and safe from any legal retribution..
While I %100 agree with you I firmly believe he will never see inside a prison. Our justice system only throws regular people in jail. The rich get away with everything. It's time for far more drastic measures. A message needs to be sent to these oligarchs. I for one am done fucking around.
I would think musk could be charged for a range of offences not the least for contempt of court by attempting to harrass and intimidate a supreme court judge.
Go to
Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
What do Republicans in congress plan to do about this? That’s the question we should be asking about everything that is happening. Laws/funding passed by congress being ignored—Trump is their president and he owns Musk & DOGES. This is all the responsibility of Republicans.
I’m a rapist who attended Epstein parties who’s had slag after slag for a wife and cheated on ALL of them. I even raped one and still have audacity to say I’m PRO WOMEN. It’s clear I’m a liar, scumbag and you only have to look at my track record to prove it. I’m scum. I’m a liar! 🤥 I’m Donald!
Gee, anyone wonder WHERE he got a copy of her SIGN TAX STATEMENT? Remember DOGE is not SUPPOSED to be looking at INDIVIDUALS?? We NEVER saw Trump's taxes under Biden's "weaponized IRS". Go figure huh!
That's how mobsters work! The difference is, these mobsters are not only getting paid by our tax dollars, they are shutting down EVERY SINGLE GOVERNMENT OFFICE, taking the funding that is SUPPOSED TO GO TO OUR CITIZENS, & funding it for themselves! AND, stopping anyone who gets in their way.
This should be dealt with as the crime it is, he has access to everyone's tax forms and is using them to bludgeon family of those he disagrees with? WTF?
So, again toddler fElon is threatening people and ca
No so because he has access to their information.
He is a toddler. A crying, foot stomping, whining toddler.
He needs to be jailed or at least deported.
It’s a revenge database on every American just like China has on its citizens. Except this guy has no acknowledged position in our government. So he must be a terrorist or something. There are no labels for him except crook. we know why he couldn't wait to get into everyone's personal data. He's picked up Trump's habit of revenge against anybody he doesn't like by going after other family members.
Pretty sure Elon doesn’t have to follow laws meant for the commoners. You idiots really need to wake up. It’s over. We need to do something or just forget it.
Musk....the illegal immigrant, drug user...humper of Donald Jackass Trump...Screwer of the American Worker...gets to WHAAAAT???? WAKE UP PEOPLE. DJT and the person who BOUGHT Presidency are FUCKING THE PEOPLE...IN YOUR VERY FACE!! WAKE UP!!
It all comes down to hate. The only time firearms regs get changed is when the wrong people claim the 2nd, like when the Black Panthers openly carried. Then suddenly, the NRA was in favor of gun control.
It really does come down to hate. Trump gave these people permission to openly hate.
Extra judicial deportations of people by presidential decree under a war powers act is just a test of how far they can push the line without any resistance. He’s a vigilante. And payback is a butch
Congrats! You win the Internet today! 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉
Is there somewhere written he is prophesied to be destroyer of the world? The accidental release of the Dark One, a primal force of evil?
He should be arrested and whoever helped him get this information 🤬🤬🤬🤬
It’s quite clear his intentions here and he needs to create distance from the acts he incites… to create distance from the consequences.
Would a regular citizen get away with this? Or be held in contempt of court?
But he won't be.
If he doesn't get his way, he has a tantrum and shares information, so his crazies can go after people.
What kind of sick, demented person does that??!!
And going after his daughter and not the judge himself shows what a little shit coward Elmo is.
The USA is gone.
Not that Musk cares, given he'll just get a presidential pardon from the figurehead he installed.
KKKing Trump and Oligarch Muskrat have had all the guardrails removed..
They believe they are above the law and safe from any legal retribution..
Waiting ...
I agree the attempted judge intimidation should be a crime
Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
m-f’er better be arrested and jailed with $4trillion bail!
The remaining question: is US Law still relevant in the ERA of GOP Nazis?
At a minimum, a lawsuit can be filed which might influence the US Justice to consider enforcing existing law.
No so because he has access to their information.
He is a toddler. A crying, foot stomping, whining toddler.
He needs to be jailed or at least deported.
Elon your new country Russia is calling - go “save” them.
And he wonders why people "hate" him.
I would *removed for violent content and possible legal violations*.
Go back!!!!!
oh well
Not that I have any reason to doubt, but surely (a) accessing (b) publishing a private citizen’s tax return is prima facie a serious crime!??
On Feb. 10, 2025, the billionaire reposted an X post from journalist Laura Loomer. In her post, Laura shared screenshots that proved McConnell's daughter, Catherine McConnell, works at the Department of Education.
Something like giving people the right to bear arms, or something like that. Then a national org could fight to protect that right.
Yeah, that would be good.
It really does come down to hate. Trump gave these people permission to openly hate.
How is this legal and what can be done ?