This is seriously fucked up. Doge isn’t even a legit government department. Never got approved by Congress and they raided a NON Government institution. Is anyone going to stop this dictator shitshow??
This fascist needs to be made to heel. This is not a democrat or republican issue. This is a rule of law issue. Strip Musk of his wealth and put him in jail. Of course he must be afforded his due process rights, something he would not give to you.
Apparently they naming some Amy woman head of DOGE to take their fall, she's crazy, for allowing them to use her name they will throw her under the bus when they are done, just like everyone else.
I just saw today that 4 days after the regime named her as the head of DOGE. She was hired as a consultant someone in HHS. So much for the fakery of her being the head of DOGE. It’s back either headless or headed actually by Musk.
Not the first time DOGE had to come back with armed muscle. If this keeps happening with people who won't identify themselves & we're left guessing about if they're legit, how long until there's an armed confrontation? It's almost as if they're daring it to happen.
Police have a history of protecting property of the wealthy over the peace and safety of the people. We need a squad of actual patriots to surround these usurpers, and stand in the way of their interfering
at this point, anyone who gives them a hard seeing to for attempting to break into a non-governmental org is well within their rights, especially if they are home to anything critical or precious.
Hope is a followup story to this &that the funds returned(MSM stay on this story) &Musk & Doge posse fined or jailed.Anyone else who did this, hacking a nonprofit private organization ,physically occupying their headquarters would be prosecuted for grand theft felony.
All other NFP501-C3 be warned .
They forced their way in with armed men who claimed to be police or FBI. Were they?
Was there a warrant?
That would require that a judge signed off on it...
Breaking into an organization because of someone who assumed United States Institute of Peace were part of our government because US was part of the organization’s name and who didn’t take the time to look it up (due to Musk’s brag of 120 hour work week maybe?) gave it a green light.
Local police should be able to arrest them then. It's not a federal matter since it's a private entity. It's no different from breaking into someone's house without a warrant. They should be civilly sued as well.
They(Doge) and the FBI agents who helped them should all be brought up on charges. This was a corporate raid for information to benefit a single person(Musk) and has NOTHING to do with any legitimate government action. If you use your POSITION for illegal and illegitimate acts, you are not protected
Form the required local volunteer security teams and respond accordingly🇺🇸⚖️🦅🤬. Protect yourselves, it’s your right, Not Elon Musks! Fuck him and Fuck Trump🍊💩47🇷🇺asset🤡president. Police your communities America 🇺🇸 or surrender to these criminals and coward’s? #Choose it’s your country not Elon Musk’s🇷🇺💩
He actually is conflicted because people are destroying his junk! No wonder he carries around a human shield. He is destroying people's lives so he should suffer! 😠
I really want to know the names of law enforcement personnel involved in this criminality. If, in fact, they are legitimate law enforcement and not pardoned J-6ers.
And demand that all pancakes should now be in the shape of a Tesla cybertruck. To refuse to do so will be deemed an act of treason...noncompliant cooks will be executed in a Trump reality TV show.
So, Musk doesn't even know what is government and what is not but the orange moron thinks Musk should be running the government while Trump plays golf badly..
Let's bankrupt him as well. Keep protesting Tesla dealerships. Ridicule and laugh at anyone you see driving a Tesla. Let's keep knocking that stock down.
They definitely know that I am an active resister of this administration (and they are democrats), but we haven’t talked about politics since everyone started hating on people driving Teslas!
Maybe this is the chance we need to use their mistakes against them. Get a judge to issue a warrant for illegal entry and seizure and serve them court notices to appear to those charges. We need to step it up.
Local police are defending those tearing democracy down, not the taxpayers paying them. Not us. They will beat us if ordered to ....
All other NFP501-C3 be warned .
Oh yeah…he’s Putin’s boy 🙄
Yes, arrest them and put them in prison!
Was there a warrant?
That would require that a judge signed off on it...
Why weren’t they?
The DC police helped them gain access!!
That is just crazy fucking madness. Not to mention illegal.
I wanted this to come to light.
This is ridiculous!
If this doesn't trigger something, nothing will.
And I still think they should get armed guards.
We should strap him to one of his rockets with a spacesuit and let him fly…
Proof me i'm wrong pls.
Lock the DOGE team in jail!