Musk is completely safe because he rigged the machines in Pennsylvania, Nevada and a few other places. His kid R2-D2-X said so and so did trump. Musk has too much on trump.
Well... if we're dreaming...
Trump ran over by a tree chipper...his whole cabinet gets ebolli and dies in 24 hours and simultaneously the nazi musk...dies from some deadly battery fumes while in one of his trash cans
My dream is to see him implode and wat h as he takes down whoever he can with him.
I think the info they all have on each other keeps them in line and their little party breathing
Well ... He did call us parasites and there was that Natzi salute and the f you in the face thing and the not caring about good people getting fired and the aligning with the afd... Maybe that's why
I hate reality shows & don’t watch them. But I would watch TF out of “Putting Billionaires in Trailers” & making them live on minimum wage with no health Ins offered by their fast food/restaurant employers. Hell, the profits could go to universal healthcare & free college/trade school.
Or tried for treason, seeing as Canada is trying to get rid of his citizenship and I suspect South Africa will try really hard not to be forced to take him back either.
Red and Blue UNITE,
Cause the 1%, the few, they/them live and FEED from both sides. They r the ones that make these things happen over and over in history, now and in the future if we don't stop them.
After that we can fight each other again, but i doubt it will be needed or even wanted then.
His original visa was fraudulent by his and his own brothers admissions. The foundation of his current status is invalid so I think a case could be made. He is not a legitimate citizen.
Sorry -- can't deport him (assuming, of course, that his claim that he is a U.S. citizen is true). And I don't quite understand why so many people keep wanting that. I mean, I get that it's poetic. But I'd rather just see him in a U.S. prison for the rest of his life.
NO! That Nazi traitor must be arrested, prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and put in prison. Use asset forfeiture laws to seize the scumbag's assets, auction them off, and use the money to fix the many, many things the asshole has destroyed.
Dont forget whacked! I dont want no comments like::: you shouldnt wish death on people or thats just as bad as what they say blah blah blah I hope they cap that nazi 💯
Congress needs to strip president Musk (who IS an illegal alien who got his citizenship by fraud) of his citizenship, put him in Guantanamo, revoke and take all his government contracts, and freeze and take all his assets.
A lot of Canadians want to revoke his Canadian citizenship. We should revoke his US citizenship and deport him to South Africa. I am sure he would soon break the law in South Africa. Perhaps they will send him to prison there. I hear that Nelson Mandela's old cell is still vacant.
Trump ran over by a tree chipper...his whole cabinet gets ebolli and dies in 24 hours and simultaneously the nazi musk...dies from some deadly battery fumes while in one of his trash cans
If dreams could come true..
I think the info they all have on each other keeps them in line and their little party breathing
Bezos, Zuckerberg, the Waltons?
I’ve brought popcorn!!
of measels",,,
Musk is a scapegoat. A damage sponge. Theatre.
Trump will throw Musk under the bus and all the rage you are assigning to Musk will go with him.
Cause the 1%, the few, they/them live and FEED from both sides. They r the ones that make these things happen over and over in history, now and in the future if we don't stop them.
After that we can fight each other again, but i doubt it will be needed or even wanted then.
schools…like miss porter’s school or somethin’ sometin’
to learn human behavior 🤔
L. I. V. I. N
For it ! Bezos is next 😈
HE NEED to be in
EL SALVADOR jail, with DT, and the active Republican party!
No-one else wants him!
(I mean, he might *file* bankruptcy, but that will just be to protect his assets and cheat the investors who lost money.)
Aneurysm At the Podium