According to conservatives they have a right to do that. Remember the bakery that would not serve the lesbian couple. Remember the county clerk that wouldn’t give a marriage license to a gay couple.
They set the precedent with the gay marriage wedding cake. Judge ruled anyone could turn down a client. So... it's only fair, although I'm sure we will see maga tears
That’s problematic as hell. It’s segregation and leads down a very ugly path as we well know. Democratic societies don’t normalize discrimination like this-
of any group.
What will happen? The same thing that happens when a bakery refuses to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple wedding, in reverse. Good people will support that business. Just like how Costco business increased and Target's decreased when Costco maintained its DEI policy and Target eliminated it.
I wonder if there isn't an alternative take, when I see a red hat ban, I become the best customer of that business. Obviously, that is an anecdotal take, but is there anything behind transitive customer exchange based on ethical considerations? (regardless of which side it occurs)
Same here. I’ve had more than one person approach me thinking it was a MAGA hat. Michael Brown was wearing a red cardinal hat when he was executed by Darren Wilson
A retailer of exotic meats in North Seattle put right wing signs and posters all over the outside of his business. Before that i had gone in there to get Beefalo one time. After, he had to shutter his business in a few months. Not exactly a genius.
Boycotting hate, just means the rest of the patrons can eat peacefully. Leave the hate, er hat, in the Tesla and go in to eat without stirring the pot, and all should be fine. People choose hate, just like they choose their meals out, no one is forcing them to be assholes, it’s a choice.
I'm lucky enough to live in a Blue neighborhood in a Blue city in blue state
Chicago. I honestly have never seen a Maga hat not spoken to a Magat. It's like heaven.
A year ago I unloaded an anti-Trump screed on a guy ordering drinks next to me at the bar. I could tell that he thought "One of them." Same thing happened in 2016, but in 2016 I got kicked out of the bar. Now that everything I ranted about is happening they all think back and say That nut was right.
Won't matter if they're boycotting rude, non-tipping customers who often just scream and yell and act like an entitled nazi fuck for a discount or free meal anyways. Bye maga bitches.
(No I don’t want to take your guns)
In MA, you alienate a LOT of customers by telling them you're in a cult.
Aber was macht #RedHat jetzt mit ihrer Brand? Das ist ja erst der Anfang ...
of any group.
Well, I don't care what they're selling. I'll take two dozen.
We have a dress code
Not saying it's right, but I'm all for treating maga like they want to be treating others.
I think I need to get the alternate birds on the bat hat. Blue with a red brim
My Asian boss made me the group contact because 'You look like them! They won't complain to you as much.'
It was bullshit, but I took one for the team and haven't worn that shirt since.
Chicago. I honestly have never seen a Maga hat not spoken to a Magat. It's like heaven.
"Sanders' father, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, called it "bigotry" on Twitter."
And then eat him.