Also I'd rather listen to people that are honest enough to say work suck rather than those that think it is vitally important that literally everyone pretends it doesn't
Oh exactly. I consider myself unemployable for most jobs, but that doesn’t mean I’m either helplessly unable to take care of myself nor too unintelligent to interpret the world.
I still think the most toxic people online that aren’t openly right wing are extremist centrists who feel the need to virulently defend the status quo by any means necessary more than they feel the need to make any improvements to obvious problems.
(If you think centrists can’t be extremists, you’ve fallen for their own self-definition as the moderates in the debate who see that the truth is somewhere in the middle and not people who have staked an ideology to the Overton window no matter where it moves.
Also because I never made it explicit: whether or not you have or can keep a job has nothing to do with your lived experience and the validity of your opinions.
Frankly, we live in the goddamn future. It’s time we started think of society as a way to benefit all, regardless of what perceived value we place on individuals.
I am a profoundly academically gifted freak. I supported gay marriage before most Americans, but I won't conform to the ridiculous political correctness of symbolic capitalists. They are the "smug centrists."
Execs at my job talking in the lunch room about how it's, "too bad about all the civil rights" but also,"Bernie is why we're here. There are no good moderates."
what is very interesting is centrists continuing to defend the status quo as the status quo burns away like a body in a cremation chamber. soon the "status quo" will be completely gone and they'll be either defending the place where it used to be, or pretending it's still there so they can defend it
Do people with disabilities, old people, stay at home parents, family caregivers, etc. not feel the effects of rapidly escalating food and housing prices?
"Geniuses are like thunderstorms: they go against the wind, terrify people, clear the air."
Soren Kierkegaard
I debated but then i just said it