Okay, I'm ready to talk about it. Some of you know this already, but:
1. On the evening of February 16th/morning of February 17th, I was attacked by an ex boyfriend.
He is 440 pounds and 6ft 6". I am 137 pounds and 5ft 6".
Okay, I'm ready to talk about it. Some of you know this already, but:
1. On the evening of February 16th/morning of February 17th, I was attacked by an ex boyfriend.
He is 440 pounds and 6ft 6". I am 137 pounds and 5ft 6".
3. When PD arrived, they ignored evidence of my injuries, include a scratch on my back from when he slammed me against the wall. They took my ex's side and arrested me.
They claimed the arrest was necessary, under -
4. Never mind that he was so rough, I'm still injured. Never mind that he wielded a knife at me and demanded I stab him.
Never mind that I pointed out an injury to the officer, and he claimed my cat must have done it. (?!)
6. My ex was not arrested. He was given mental health resources.
7. While I was in there, I was NOT the only woman arrested under this penal code.
In both of their cases, their partners weren't arrested either.
9. The DA dropped the charges against me due to insufficient evidence (got final confirmation today). BUT.
This was after severe trauma -
And I know the two other girls have experienced the same.
It would be easy for me to bury my head and pretend this never happened. This is humiliating.
It's as terrible as all of this was, I have a platform to say something. I have a platform to do something.
So goal one? Changing how this penal code is being applied by local PD, and I'm going to need your help if you're in CA.