Please do not install Tesla wall, there were pretty dire results from the LA fire
Where are these Finnish batteries - made from sand?
Where are these Finnish batteries - made from sand?
I thought sand batteries were more a Texan thing, no?
"Using low-grade sand, the device is charged up with heat made from cheap electricity from solar or wind."
I thought, why not go mad and use high grade sand?
The article is full of 'could' and not 'will be done everywhere, quickly', as the #ClimateCrisis urgently needs.
Where were you educated?
Since leaving formal education I have continued on as an autodidact. As such I am still in education. The where hardly matters, but today, online, with your help. #Socratic#Method
This led to league tables
And a test/retest curriculum - designed to inhibit memory, "this is the question/this is the answer, learn them,"
But why Miss?
Why does not matter - learn it
After that index cards come into their own
and understanding dies a death
Whatever. We are the golden path for achieving our full individual or societal self-actualization. Yet I have a hope for a few.
Oh heck.
So here we are, about to experience some daft global reboot. Do you see this as positive?
Ah yes, the Finns
You will have to visit them
We effed up our thinking skills.
USA brought in test culture back in the 50's (someone must have realised the danger of a voting population who could think, whilst the were doing those "red under the bed things)
I can't currently afford the time to cycle or walk to visit the Finns so I accept your word they are a good people.
Ss you say, those who survived the test retest, or read books, or discussed at home, or underachieved at school were able to remember, understand, apply and evaluate.
Yes, "learning" is life long
These thread things are a nightmare - do they run classes?
Sort word exchanges are a challenge, especially in threads.
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger?
I be surprised if we could agree to get together for a free piss up in a brewery let alone a magnificent social project like this!
I will point out the Finns have not had Gradgrind curriculum or brain damage from test culture.
Finnish teachers decide what is taught not some idiot in government.
Brilliant education, wonderful history - go and visit them!
Equality of opportunity? Being under continual existential threat from the bear next door?
Cold, rain, snow, mosquitoes?
I think an education that develops "your" ability to think is the best ever starting place.
And you remember your history, also needed for a person's context.
Love them!