No matter how loud they talk, the US yesterday lost everything to be a world leader: dignity, strenght, reliability, credibility, justice. The rest of the world knows. Not Ukraine is yesterdays loser, the US is. The real free world is with Ukraine.
The world should cut off the United States of America and teach Jesse, fox News viewers, the Republican Party and Trumplethinskin that we are NOT the center of the world
Funny think here is. It was American world, but not anymore... last two months we are seeing steps to reduce the importance of US on world stage and the current hostility to the former allies just means that they will try to detach from US as quickly as possible
Putin runs the world right now. It is not the american people who want Zelenskyy to capitulate. It is Putin and his puppets. The world has a choice. Quislings are not a new trend.
Jesse Waters is a second-tier infotainer whose words are crafted to get people excited. He’s not a legitimate or knowledgeable commenter and is not worth worrying about.
He is worth worrying about because his ugly mug and lies penetrate millions of Americans homes, military bases, airports and more. The US dismissed Fox for decades and here we are.
And now the Biggest member is switching side.
better open your eyes
The 🍊🔪 is in your back.
US is finished
Ukraine will fight on.
USA is not any longer the leader of the free world. This the start of a new era ..... for China