Archival grade is news to me. 🤯 What brand is it if you don't mind me asking? My dept has a few but fixing old VCRs is a mostly a lost art so we're careful with what we have and on the lookout for anything.
Thanks. 🙌🏾 🤔 I'll have to look into it. We might actually already have one (I don't handle AV in my dept) and I'm just forgetting bc it's a mishmash of brands and devices across the years.
I’ve seen this once, but I remember liking it. Nice to see some future stars as youngsters. I want to find out where I can watch the first film in that duology, The Year My Voice Broke (1987).
I haven’t seen that film in 30 years but recall adored it then. If you haven’t seen it and can track it down, I remember loving its prequel, The Year My Voice Broke, too!
Wow! I have not seen one in so many years. Would love to go back to the days of renting movies every now and then instead of giving streaming services all my money.
Love this film! I was at film school in uni in Sydney when this was being made - everyone in it is perfect esp Noah Taylor. Best thing Nicole’s ever been in!
amazing really.