California imho doesn't and never has had great funding for ENOUGH fire fighters because we have enough fire fighters everywhere for 'normal fire hazard'
Wildfires might not go for a decade then whammo.
As people are learning/relearning 30% of those firefighters are prisoners, including kids. KIDS
Wildfires might not go for a decade then whammo.
As people are learning/relearning 30% of those firefighters are prisoners, including kids. KIDS
Depending on where you are, you might serve your entire sentence without actually having to fight a fire…you spend most time cleaning up the forest.
So they're in high risk, dangerous, highly skilled jobs they can't do once out.
And the state can't afford and/or won't budget to cover wildfires
Until it is.
But when you have a SINGLE evacuation road and choose not to evac beause it's the 10th one this year and oh lord what a pain in the ass
this is a problem, you live in Pompeii.
Not trying to be a dick, this all sucks and is horrible. We're going to see more of it with climate change and living in certain areas is going to become untenable.
Or a huge risk.
And just like now, they had dudes gooning instead of running
Guess not?
It was 3 or 4 years ago when I read someone was trying to get legislation through
Long term, if some of the more extreme climate change forecasts are correct, by 2070 MegaCityOne won’t be the east coast of the US, it’ll be Greenland. Everywhere else will be basically uninhabitable.