And, occasionally good, constitutional laws with lots of precedent get overturned (Roe) but is rare & prbly unlawful for Roe as had over 50 yrs of precedent.
And scotus legislating from the bench is unconstitutional.
Because we do not have tools for ethics, oversight, and accountability for SCOTUS judges, they got away with it.
When wr get out of this, we must reform the electoral college, reform Scotus and implement the above, and we need to reform how agencies report to ores and congress.
I stepped over that line to preserve my integrity many times, remember they WORK for us!!!! Not the other way around! Those bldgs and all the info belong to the people!
Not the musketeers
What changes is corruption.
And, occasionally good, constitutional laws with lots of precedent get overturned (Roe) but is rare & prbly unlawful for Roe as had over 50 yrs of precedent.
And scotus legislating from the bench is unconstitutional.
When wr get out of this, we must reform the electoral college, reform Scotus and implement the above, and we need to reform how agencies report to ores and congress.
Not the musketeers