Perspective 1: "wow, ranked players with strong fundies and top flight agent specialization took down teams with non-trivial history and T1 experience. Ranked and well-developed synergy from outside prac must be king!"
No hate to Rankers, I personally love that they pulled it off and are shining a light on how valuable role/agent specialization is. But, the win should be sending a message that I don't think is being heard.
Why are teams coming in with no practice/intention after we've spent a year asking for more competition? Get into gear and make use of the opportunities given.
I think you're defining what the season is meant to be for when that's not up to any of us to say.
If I was running a T2 team this isn't "offseason/trial season" this is when we start putting the gap between us and the competition while they're off the gas.
really the only teams that should reflect on not winning are the collegiate teams. Winthrop had the longest standing roster, they should have had everything needed to win S3
Not the first time that FA teams are doing their work, and it won't be the last.
However, it's always difficult to explain why the organizations still have these problems. It's easy in terms of analysing, but it's fascinating why teams with budget are still doing the same or similar mistakes.
Perspective 2: "wow, how inefficient and wasteful does teams' practice have to be for it to lose to this."
rankers already had synergy from ranked and are top 10 NA ranked players, they came into this with a bit advantage
Why are teams coming in with no practice/intention after we've spent a year asking for more competition? Get into gear and make use of the opportunities given.
I don't think T2 is in the best spot but I also dont think rankers would have won without those factors
If I was running a T2 team this isn't "offseason/trial season" this is when we start putting the gap between us and the competition while they're off the gas.
However, it's always difficult to explain why the organizations still have these problems. It's easy in terms of analysing, but it's fascinating why teams with budget are still doing the same or similar mistakes.