Made this prompt, is up to you if you wanna borrow/steal it for yourself.
Idea is to hear people's horny thoughts/ideas about the OC. If they're cool/sexy for me I respond and like. If they're a pass. A respectful ignore but not in a case of kink shame. Just "not my thing."
Idea is to hear people's horny thoughts/ideas about the OC. If they're cool/sexy for me I respond and like. If they're a pass. A respectful ignore but not in a case of kink shame. Just "not my thing."
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Her hair is very much inspired by early 00's anime but also sonic stuff with the "rule of cool" shapes.
Samurai Jack
Batman Beyond
Classic Disney Shorts
Modern Sonic 2D art (adventure to present day)
Transformers Animated/Prime
Mario 2D Art
Pokemon Gen 4
Dragonball Z
Atlantis the Lost Empire/Emporer's New Groove
Brave Little Toaster
Jungle Book (hurr)
(Thank goodness it's not an animated pic...)
but yes, keep staring at those boobs. They're so squishy~
(It's literally just a paragraph about how my OC would bang, milk, and domesticate the hot alien girl.)
Bib or no bib? Or more accurately would you do her in a place where both of you had to be partially clothed? Or private and full nude?
Was thinking of making a design for Goth and Bimb...
And like a Lv 2/evolved version of Princess Kass. Maybe go full "queen"
"Bluer the berry, the sweeter the juice," he growled playfully. "And I'm verrry hungry."
"So he's about go show her his GPU and is gonna overcock it in her."