Republicans would have pulled out their hair and torn their shirts open in protest had Obama done this. Reich wingers are weak fools who need a king. The rest of us don’t.
I owe my allegiance to the ideals of this republic, not to any red-topper man who craves unchecked power. America does not anoint kings, and I will not pretend otherwise. Those who seek to rule as monarchs will find only resistance from those who still believe in freedom.
And why is no one stopping him? What the hell is going on there? Are you waiting until you are killed or forced to commit suicide like the CA Fire Chief or the 11-year old girl?
Musk saying that Trump can do whatever he wants because he was elected by the people to carry out their wishes. To that I say the people elected a President of the United States. That office is bound by checks and balances. Don’t tell the people who they elected. That’s a dictatorship.
Maybe it’s time for the us military generals forcibly remove Trump and his cronies from office. The damage being done by those in the White House will soon be irreversible
Only royalty can fix that mind virus.
An 11-yo took her own life because of fucking retarded kids threatening to call the ICE SS for fuck sake.
And the president just called himself supreme leader and king.
Get your guns, or suffer til 2028.
Trumpy Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Trumpy together again.
Long live democracy.
Get the guns and prepare the guillotine, time to regain democracy.