We're finally ready to launch the beta of Xrepost 🥳
Xrepost helps you save your Twitter data and makes it easy to find and repost your top Tweets to Bluesky.
🚪 Export your Twitter archive.
🫳 Drag and drop it on Xrepost.
🦋 Repost your bangers to Bluesky.
Free download 👉 https://xrepost.com
Xrepost helps you save your Twitter data and makes it easy to find and repost your top Tweets to Bluesky.
🚪 Export your Twitter archive.
🫳 Drag and drop it on Xrepost.
🦋 Repost your bangers to Bluesky.
Free download 👉 https://xrepost.com
The paid version is going to cost the same as one month of X premium.
Instead of paying for X premium you pay $8 once for Xrepost and then close the door behind you.
With Xrepost you can hide reposted Tweets so you don't accidentally repost one Tweet multiple times.
Xrepost only accesses Twitter to get the full size media files, so worst case scenario is you only have access to the preview files.
If it doesn't work, please reach out below:
But I think you could do with writing more about it - why is it a download and not just a website? How does it work exactly?
The Twitter archive can be kinda big. Uploading that data to our servers means we have to manage it. At that point your data is on our servers and you still don't have it locally/safe.
Xrepost also downloads high res versions of media in the archive, Twitter gives you low-res previews
Hope it converts a few of the remaining stragglers.
I'm a bit hesitant to post it on X as it'll most likely attract lots of negativity.
Xrepost is listed on bskyinfo, check it out here:
feel free to DM me if you want to update any content on this page, thank you.
The main author's information has been updated,
and the links to both of your Bluesky handles have been added at the bottom of the page.
I wonder, are you dropping the original archive, or a re-zipped archive folder?
We will add something to notify the user about this, to make it clear what is going on.
If you are using version 0.5.2 you can take a look at the debug logging of the import process. We have setup a page to guide you through this: https://xrepost.com/debug
If you would be so kind to have a look, that would be great! 😊