The Trial of Barabbas
A couple of years before the original Good Friday (I have THE BEST Good Friday story, but I’ll tell you that later), the crowd-favorite, Barabbas, was standing trial for the murder of a local man, Lazarus... [1/6]
A couple of years before the original Good Friday (I have THE BEST Good Friday story, but I’ll tell you that later), the crowd-favorite, Barabbas, was standing trial for the murder of a local man, Lazarus... [1/6]
(Transcribed from the original Aramaic)
Defense Attorney:
“Your Honor, Pharisees, Scribes, and good men of the jury. Over the last few days I have laid our a water-tight case to prove, [2/6]
But, before the defense rests, your Honor, in the murder trial of John J. Lazarus, I’d like to call my last witness: One…JOHN…J…LAZARUS!" [4/6]
Prosecutor: “Oh, Jesus H. Christ!” as he scans the crowd for a familiar face.
Judge: “I declare a mistrial. [Gavel raps three times]. Mr. Barabbas, you are free to go.“ [5/6]
Prosecutor: (under his breath) “This is NOT over, Barabbas! Oh, far from it. I’ll make sure you’re crucified one day. And this time, Jesus won’t be there to save you!” [Foreshadowing] [6/6]