Yes, their jobs will be even easier now. They can just rubber stamp anything and everything the Trump Administration tells them to do. Gives them lots more time to enrich themselves with gifts from rich donors.
I keep hearing about concerns of document shredder trucks seen in DC? Guess shades of Watergate have risen from the dead files once again? Thought documents shredded only at night?
That comic is misleading. In reality they're just ripping out and trashing the old pages -- but they're keeping the old covers for presenting the new contents.
I'm not sure if Kafka was anti-smetic because the trial was basically a story about a Modern Mose's who gets on the wrong side of the law but instead of starting a revolution he gets snuffed out.
This situation is beyond shameful. I thought we were a nation of laws, but we only apply laws to the poor and the poor don’t dictate policy.
And burn this country to the ground