In fact it wasn’t founded on Christian principles. Freedom of religion was one of the basic foundations of our constitution. It not only provides freedom from religion but freedom of religion. Not to be governed in any way by religion however.
Calling yourself a Christian is absolutely meaningless and has become comical, MAGA LOVE to tell EVERYONE what a Christian they are while literally doing the opposite of what Christ taught.
america was founded on genocide principles and that continued for 100 years ending only in the 1980's america is not a christian country never has been
Well, sure... but those making the claim about our 'Christian country' are fans of Republican Jesus-- the guy who hates that woke fella featured in the Gospels, and all he stood for.
This nation was not founded on Christian principles. It doesn’t say anything about that in the Constitution. It’s just that people are bad and can’t be decent human fucking beings.
Only reason I ever chewed on a bible is to tell Christians that they're heretic non-believers, unwilling/unable to grasp the meaning of a book written before kindergarten was invented..
James Fenimore Cooper had it right, the sickness that is Europe on greed will move across the ocean and cause nothing but more sickness and worse within the US. The US was never founded as a christian nation, just one that acted, sounded and pounded its chest like one, but its always been about $
except America WASNT founded on Christian principles. It was founded on freedom of religious choices and separation of church and state. They always get that part wrong. History and reading are hard.
None of these things are Christian values. God condones genocide, r*pe and slavery for his chosen people and you need to understand that. If you’re chosen you can do anything and the government is trying to take away your God given right. It’s deeply disturbing. This is why they’re immoral.
Most of America's founding fathers were Masonic.They believed in the compass and square Separation of church and state is literally written in the constitution
Well, it's not those "xtian principles"... It's the other principles, like owning women, slaves, stoning women and children, etc. Old testament "principles". Yeah, they're fuckin idiots.
I think a lot of people want the Jew/Christian religion to be one of peace and love. More people should the good book cover to cover. Cause it is not great!
The original post was about America being founded on “Christian principles” so I’ve got no idea why you felt compelled to bring Judaism into it. But more than that, it’s not some little oversite that you lumped Judaism in w/ the religion that has been the cause of much of our persecution.
Even tho that was of course hypothetical since they kept slavery and the patriarchy and all.
These are not the fruits that matter:
Two different things entirely.