Us sane people have been yelling about stuff like this non stop since 2016 and the result is the 2024 election so maybe time to face reality, which, unbelievably, is that people don't care about Trump sex stuff or Jan6th
That's what's sad about it all. Effectively the usa doesn't care about it's people, peace, unity, compassion, or facts as long as someone promises to make them rich. The person making the "promises" doesn't even have to be a trustworthy person either.
Join the resistance in your town. Do not let the Nazis take hold.
This needs to be everyone.
Join a march, sign petitions, and write letters.
Their argument on the bathrooms is stupid. I’m a gay male and I use the men’s restroom. I am attracted to men. Does this mean I’m being a predator in men’s bathrooms? Of course not. Same thing for lesbians. Mind your business and go pee. Assailants can go into either bathroom. There’s no bouncer.
Men have been attacking women and children in public restroom for decades. Why do you think mothers take their children to public restrooms? They take their boys into the Ladies Room to protect them. Has nothing to do with how they dress or identify. They are just predators.
An interesting listen is Noel Casler on Trump. I first heard him talk about mr. Orange almost 8 years ago or thereabouts 🤔.
How the f$ck people voted for him is astonishing. A second time 🤬, no words.
Noels first hand observations are revealing of the failed humanoid's nature.
Our work is to accept this fact and distance ourselves from the idea that we can reason or communicate/converse with them
Make separate bathrooms at this point 👍.
Join the resistance in your town. Do not let the Nazis take hold.
This needs to be everyone.
Join a march, sign petitions, and write letters.
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Episode 35: Trump Hawkish on Transgender Lunacy, Rudy Hawks Coffee
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Peter Panify (for men who won't grown up).
#RudyCoffee #Trump
How the f$ck people voted for him is astonishing. A second time 🤬, no words.
Noels first hand observations are revealing of the failed humanoid's nature.