7 Minutes of 7,000+ Rockets: Hamas' Nonstop Attacks On Israel
Straight from Hamas' social media: see terrorists indiscriminately launch 7,000+ rockets at Israeli civilians over the last two and a half weeks.
As one of the co-founders in Brussels I must say that FFF Germany, however they do have aright to an own stance, does not represent the other climatemovement group and sure not international with their pro Zionist and procolonialistic stances without condemning the Israelian warcrimes firm
7 Minutes of 7,000+ Rockets: Hamas' Nonstop Attacks On Israel
Straight from Hamas' social media: see terrorists indiscriminately launch 7,000+ rockets at Israeli civilians over the last two and a half weeks.
Connecting the dots and explaining global climate justice and the link to indigenous people like Palestinians
Here. A voice from Palestine you should listen to