Unrelated to the gorgeous art, a friend and I saved some of your work last night, two very large playlists if you ever want em back. You put in so much work for so many people that it broke my heart seeing it go. DM me if you'd like, and thank you again as an appreciator of your work. ❤️
Hey there any chance I could get in on this please? I have 132 songs myself I can definitely DM to show you that I'm just looking to enjoy her singing.
Not going to assume anything, but Willow still hasn't sent me anything as of the time of this message. Could you follow me back? I'd love to take what i can get if you don't mind.
I'll DM you in a day or two I'm finding some stuff at the moment. Bilibili has a playlist of ERB stuff. And there's some solid rips of the archives I found as well.