Amidst the current American hellscape, want to share one bit of good news.
I can see well again.
Just had cataract surgery.
An amazing difference.
I can read books without a magnifying glass.
Read the computer without having to always enlarge the screen.
Drive even at night.
Walk the dogs at […]
I can see well again.
Just had cataract surgery.
An amazing difference.
I can read books without a magnifying glass.
Read the computer without having to always enlarge the screen.
Drive even at night.
Walk the dogs at […]
Thanks for all the comments.
Only downside of seeing better is that it is easier to read the news.
Any suggestions as to how to switch to a different timeline?
💯 Excellent! My mom also had the surgery and said she could see better than when in her 20s!
Thank you for sharing your good news!