When folks say they want to dismantle the Dept of Ed because they want to “bring everything back to the local level” they are ignorant of how schools work. Curriculum has always been set at the local level.
The Dept of Ed protects SpEd students and is a watchdog for abuse.
The Dept of Ed protects SpEd students and is a watchdog for abuse.
Dismantling the DoE would result in at *least* half of all current university students leaving school. Of those that remain, more than half would see their schools close due to lost revenue.
This isn't even about curriculum. It's about education existing at all.
tHe dEpaRtMenT oF eDucAtiOn pAyS foR tRanS sURgeRy.
There is that.
There’s a predatory group tied to a law firm, prominent politicians, & Christian Nationalists doing this in #Colorado.
I can’t with the overconfident opinions of the undercapable.
And the local level administration ALREADY EXISTS.
Called a school board.