Dear MAGA, the coastal elites have enough money to buy goods with a tariff applied…
You screwed yourself.
You screwed yourself.
There plenty of folks on the coasts who are working class and working poor. We need to stop repeating r-wing talking points, cause they are bs!
We have to stop being PC and start being honest. Trump voters screwed themselves more than they screwed the rest of us. They just don’t know it yet.
Price of eggs is a little less relevant when one had disposable income in the first place.
And Unfortunately, rural poor overwhelmingly voted against Kamala
The dichotomy is intoxicating.
The clearer divide is in education level rather than income.
In the past 30 years the trend of younger voters leaning republican as they begin to earn real money has vanished.
It would be in our interest to not feed into them.
This trend has lead to the claims that Democrats have abandoned the working class.
Data here:
No we don't. There's no such thing as coastal elites.
That's a right wing construct.
Stop participating in division.
Clothes, yes most are imported, but moving towards ‘buy it for life’ mentality which allows for more domestic/local handmade brands
Idealistic, but possible and better I feel.
Inflation will suck, but simple economics means don’t buy goods
I’m trying to describe that we will have to have a shift in mentality.
Hand me down clothes, buying things well made to last etc.
We have many that want to
Personally, I think our economics will look much more like Argentina soon.
My point is best start preparing for it.
One way is to change mentality.
But in reality how can one prepare for the inflation level in turkye of 125%.
You can’t
The situation in The States right now is off the chart. Like a 100.
We should all brace for what’s coming.
As a kid, we didn’t buy stuff cause we didn’t have money.
I’m guessing it will be much like that again.
My childhood was spend in co-ops, gardens, farm animal sharing, ride sharing, etc
Best look at how people lived through the 70’s again my friend….it was just a lot of extra work
.and bought my first foreign car last time when The Orange criminal was in office. Always bought American before Trump.