It's a bill that was pre-filed in the state legislature. Not sure it'll get a hearing and even less likely to pass, but Republicans still want to push it out into the zeitgeist.
I mean, *I* certainly would never... But I have a foreboding of a future Missouri where millions of red hat white folks get reported to this hotline for suspicion of being illegal immigrants. 👀👀👀
Guess who hammers on roofs from 7 AM to 7PM? Immigrants. Guess who was digging trenches for fiber networks in my area? Immigrants. Guess who are packing the chicken you buy in the grocery? Immigrants in poultry plants. IN MISSOURI.
I live in Missouri, too. MO showed some promise of becoming a little purple yrs ago, THAT HOPE is shattered into a million+ pieces. I helped this past summer to get signatures for getting abortion rights on the ballot, which passed. But now our state house is going after that, too. Keep fighting.
Or they do get, and won’t admit it, because they think they are getting over, instead of being looked out for, like neighbors do. I’ve learned to always lookfor their grift, and acting ignorant for plausible deniability.
They get it, & don’t care.
It's a simple game for the Republicans Jess. they can't have their voters thankful for Dem led legislation and results while they are trying to convince them they suffer due to Dem led legislation and results.
Every red state is like that - cruel priorities. No empathy for their citizens. my state is afflicted with this hypocrisy, too.
They'll be in church on Sunday feeling pious & all holier than thou -
Then, during the week be intolerant, selfish & hateful.
How low can lowlifes go, seemingly bottomless low.
Defenders of children my ass. Evil is what evil does, say your a Christian but not follow the teachings of Christ.
They get it, & don’t care.
Bring back the 50 State Strategy and translate complex policy into local district speak.
Best investment we could make.
We do that, or we lose America to the Conservofascists.
They are the Forengi, the Grand Old Pforengi!
Restaurants and construction will be hurt by this
They'll be in church on Sunday feeling pious & all holier than thou -
Then, during the week be intolerant, selfish & hateful.
Defenders of children my ass. Evil is what evil does, say your a Christian but not follow the teachings of Christ.