Missourians just overturned the abortion ban with a constitutional amendment. The amendment said that doctors would decide fetal viability.
But why work on funding schools or roads or hospitals or state workers or teachers when you can overturn the will of the people?
But why work on funding schools or roads or hospitals or state workers or teachers when you can overturn the will of the people?
The rights and lives of women and other marginalized groups of human beings won’t stop it.
I don't care how condescending it sounds. A voter who does that is a complete idiot.
If you voted for abortion rights and then voted for GOP this is what you get.
I thank them after every visit to
see relatives, for moving and raising us ”not in Missouri”
If my youngest didn't love his high school teammates, we might be looking to move...
This article says "the time in pregnancy when a fetus can survive on its own outside the womb without extraordinary medical interventions"
Well as a retired NICU nurse I can tell you that it is AT LEAST 30 weeks.
They should have left ROE alone!
well thought out, medically, but could have used an update to account for technology.
My bet is that trump EOs a nationwide ban on abortion.
not its existence,
not as a legal entity,
not as a person or citizen with rights.
Not the slightest hint.
US Law SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES the unborn as persons with rights.
There are NO Constitutional abortion laws.
Democrats here cannot even wipe their own ass without asking for permission from the GOP.
And yet, the GOP gets re-elected and gains more seats.
Make it make sense.
I was so let down by humanity this election. I truly truly thought there was no way humankind was going to let basic human rights die.
I made the wrong bet. But was I morally right in doing so?
It's exhausting, but the more people who take a stand, who get involved, who protect the vote, the better things will be.
Thank you for your leadership and relentless commitment to justice and democracy.
Missouri legislators: hold my beer, makes access to abortion harder.
Doctor appointments are not timely.
More importantly, she need not explain to anyone why she wants an abortion.
Domination rather than true leadership and support of our needs and wishes.
life-saving surgery really
good news thank you
We are people now.