Ohio has major political problems too - and about 55% of our voters support that corrupt MAGA 💩 - another crappy (R) Ohio senator to be appointed to US Senate soon to replace “JD Who?”
Missouri went from purple to deep red. Violent crime is sky high throughout the state, corruption abounds, state workers had record turnover because of worst pay in the nation. Teachers can’t be found because pay is so low. Solution is always to lower standards. Dems have zero chance statewide.
I’m close to moving out of Iowa if this is what the majority of the population wants: state DOGE, proposing to buy 9 counties in MN, erosion of the rights of women and LGBTQ+. Not the state I moved to in the late 80’s.
Sorry for you all. I don't live in MO and sadly it is a state I will not visit. Both your state and TN are run by inept nutjobs without any policy other than hate and retribution. I don't know how you survive on a daily basis.
My daughter refused to even consider applying to universities and colleges in so many states over this one issue. Many of her friends feel the same way. “Hard no.”
I thank them after every visit to
see relatives, for moving and raising us ”not in Missouri”
If my youngest didn't love his high school teammates, we might be looking to move...