I live in rural southeastern, Ohio. One reason is they are jealous of those who have more than they do. They see liberals as entitled but we worked hard to make a good life for ourselves, and they didn't. Some just want the world to end and the more chaos in our world the happier they are. Sad!
Never in my life did I think I would watch working class people actively pick a convicted felon, libel r*pist, & alledged Russian asset over an attorney, DA, Senator, and VP, but here we are.
This is what white s*premacy looks like in real time.
Federal/state workers are actually the envy of the working class because of their pensions and health insurance benefits in retirement. Most Americans don't have that and would rather their neighbors didn't either. They hate unions for the same reason. The US is full of envious, petty people.
Why do Democrat leaders continually say they are for the middle class when the working class includes the working poor?
Democratic Party progress has been pushed along by an independent Bernie Sanders and the reception he gets from the people who hear him. Republican lite ain't working.
I used to think that as well but then I thought of Ted Cruz. Some of these bastards have the finest education. Some are doctors. What they’re lacking is virtue and civic duty.
Populism isn’t new, and it’s always based on prejudice: sexism, plus bigotry against whatever minorities the majority can be taught to blame for the greed of the wealthy.
And I am seeing more and more anti-Trumpers just tearing each other apart for not doing enough, for excusing something, sympathising, etc. We won’t mount a real resistance because we can’t even agree on what that looks like.
Hi, Jess. I enjoy your daily email/newsletter and your perspective as a rural dweller. I am small city, so you see a lot of things that might never occur to me. Thanks
First they divided us by party. Then they divided us by identity. Now they're devaluing our labor while calling workers "parasites".
The best way to push back is to see how they turn us against each other & counter their language w/ unity and support for each other. Build allies, spread light. 💗
Lack of critical thinking skills, lack of interest in studying civics and history. I get that oftentimes it's a very boring topic in high school and even in college. Some of us develop an interest in history years later, as I did. Because if we don't understand history, we risk repeating it....
If you repeat lies enough times and don’t deviate from the lies you tell, uninformed people come to believe the lies to be truths. Quite distressing, but here we are.
For people needing alt-text.
from nikita_gill
Never in my life did I think I would watch working class people actively cheer a billionaire putting thousands of other working class people out of a job, but here we are. This is what propaganda and lack of class solidarity does to your brain.
Does she talk any about how to untangle it? I'm interested but feel like the only way I can take it is if there's some hope at the end of the tunnel...
Not that I remember, but maybe someone else will? In fact, now that I page through my copy I'm disheartened to rediscover that not only have we made zero progress, but are actually living through Wisconsin's transformation on a national scale.
In some ways, the decline in WI reminded me of Missouri. When I was growing up, we were a swing state, very purple. Democrat Claire McCaskill repped us in many positions from the 1980s until 2018 when she was defeated by none other than Josh Hawley. They are like locusts. Mindless destruction.
Ignorance runs rampant and more people are brainwashed than ever! Misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories and lies have taken the place of education and truth! I’m disappointed, dismayed and disgusted 😔
Well, like the old saying, "Ignorance is daring"propaganda only works with ignorant people, who will accept anything they hear, and will spit to the sky, knowing it will fall on their faces.
It comes from the family and some houses of worship. Hate has to be taught. So many parents are against true history being taught and state governments cave and whitewash the curriculum.
This is what nearly a half-century of GOP psyops on the base has gotten us. A bunch of brainwashed, maliciously ignorant, morally bankrupt, garbage humans.
They gotta make someone the enemy/scapegoat. Some poor white people used to side with enslaved people until the white slave owners turned the poor whites against the enslaved people.
Inequality creates inequality, however, the DNC missed a trick when they refused to give Bernie Sanders a chance… they chose reform over revolution and now people went and got themselves the worst type of revolution… Bernie would never have been as bad as Trump; they were scared of him for nothing
I would blame years of watching fiction like Dallas on tv. But I did and wasn’t infected with nonsense because we knew it wasn’t real. Then came reality tv and social media. We may have needed a vaccine for society that was never developed. Speculating won’t help us now. History books will tell. 🤔
This is someone who doesn’t give a 💩 about anyone else… he comes from South Africa where the white are supreme & the rest can rot! Trump is NOW allowing citizenship to South African WHITE PEOPLE… let’s guess where that came from?!
This is what our country allowing lies and disinformation to run freer than water coupled with a giant "fuck you" to the rule of law and allowing a convicted felon and rapist to hold the highest office in the land does to America.
This is what white s*premacy looks like in real time.
Hundreds of thousands of white men died in an effort to protect plantation owners’ ability to keep slaves, and their free labor.
Why? They needed someone below them.
Democratic Party progress has been pushed along by an independent Bernie Sanders and the reception he gets from the people who hear him. Republican lite ain't working.
Civicus, an international non-profit, puts country alongside Democratic Republic of Congo, Italy, Pakistan and Serbia
And I am seeing more and more anti-Trumpers just tearing each other apart for not doing enough, for excusing something, sympathising, etc. We won’t mount a real resistance because we can’t even agree on what that looks like.
The best way to push back is to see how they turn us against each other & counter their language w/ unity and support for each other. Build allies, spread light. 💗
Until their disability/SS check doesn't come on time...
Or they need to talk to the IRS...
Or the fed school funding for their district stops...
from nikita_gill
Never in my life did I think I would watch working class people actively cheer a billionaire putting thousands of other working class people out of a job, but here we are. This is what propaganda and lack of class solidarity does to your brain.
"The Politics of Resentment" by Katherine Cramer.
There was screaming.
I truly don’t understand.