Fact: They didn’t fear what breaking the Dept of Education would do to their kids. Their kids are in fancy private schools.
They are dismantling the Dept of Ed so our kids have no choice but to be undereducated and work for their kids.
They are dismantling the Dept of Ed so our kids have no choice but to be undereducated and work for their kids.
The right fails to realize that public schools also often provide special ed services to private and charter schools. Those kids have disabilities, too.
I try to be nice, but my honesty keeps getting in the way.
Ready . Set. Go
How would you handle poorer states and areas?
These future uneducated will do exactly what you tell. If you haven't seen IDIOCRACY it's really what's happening now.
So much for religion.
These traitors should walk in shame for the rest of their lives.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
He seems to just want to find out how far he can go. Next: toilet paper will be phased out.
If you know teachers who really care about the future of your children & nation, hire them.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
Buckminster Fuller
Educating our citizenry is how we will compete in the global economy & ought to be a national priority.
Choosing not to invest this way makes us more vulnerable to outside forces intent on diminishing our prosperity.
It's my hope that these people flocking to Bernie sanders&AOC rallies start looking further into socialism communism Labor&class struggle Actuality see they don't actually stand for anything just finance the continuation of bourgeoisie oligarchy do absolutely nothing for us
Secular schools teach rational stuff like science & math & how to think, like understanding that earth is > 6000 yrs old. Can't have that.
Donnie & Ms MMA are going to lose lots of law suits.
“… Education is best administered by parents and teachers and those closest to students, not bureaucrats in Washington, DC.
“President Trump is keeping his promise and returning education to the states.
If there are going to be elections in 2 years the Republicans are playing suicide game supporting Elon & Donnie
Today’s parents could clearly benefit from a healthy dose of education themselves.
#America WILL Return To Having, "Poor Dumb States".
of things they were able to do
in the environment they had.
Then everything changed and
they all died out.
This is what’s happening to the
Capitalists. We might be on our
own for a bit, but we have each
other, and we shall prevail.
Since most of us aren’t rich, especially rich, rich, I think it’s time we come together to fight for the shared cause of freedom, respect, and giving the middle finger to those who want to make us their servants🖕
Push back. It all adds up.
This has been the goal all along. None of that crazy talk about all are created equal.
They want education to be something only rich kids receive.
F*ck kids who have no money, need extra help, have a disability, or speak another language at home.
There is a special place in hell for Trump.
Exactly that. Welcome to Feudalism 2.0
But hey, At least we have i-phones and Instagram 🥴
And she is smart, she has 11 Super yachts
All so they can be even more engaged with hearing, smelling and tasting our suffering.
Too rich, money didn't make them happy. Our despair & pain is all that's left to satiate them.
🤣 love the flyer!
Dismantling DOE allows them to make ALL but the children of wealthy families ignorant.
If any MAGA ppl reading this a very basic explanation 👇
How long before an uneducated populace becomes chattel
It's statistically proven, worldwide.
I’ve seen the ⚓️ on many other bios. What’s the significance, if you don’t mind me asking?
Maybe next year.
We seem to be living in a world of, “Maybe next will be better.”
Take care🥰
There was no mandate. It was Russian Cyber Espionage that is being covered up. Just like his last win.
We start our own “teacher cooperative schools” that do not have six figure administrators, preventing teachers from teaching
Work with local volunteer groups, trade schools, master gardeners extension, students, and local colleges and expand the kids' knowledge.
Quality homeschooling.
Attract the homeschooling crowd and have parents contribute via financial or whatever support they can offer.
Wouldn't it be nice...
The priority is obviously to support the wealthy and destroy the poor and people of color - no matter the ultimate cost.
These “people”