Hundreds of millions??? I call bullshit. What is the exact number and from what source do you get that? Water is ultimately more valuable than Bitcoin l, so is food, land. Tell me how Bitcoin will bring peace to South America, Central America, Africa, Central Asia, Eastern Europe.
Oh you're being a negative nancy. If Bitcoin was around 1939 there would be no chance that Hitler would start a war of conquest because it wasn't his s racism against Slavic people along with Jews who gay drove him to invade Poland, it was centralized banking.
Not just any central banking, mind you, it's specifically *American* central banking that drives the world to mass murder. I know this because ALL the bro's say so.
Chill dude. 50 years ago the gov had to levy a war tax to go to war. Now they just print $$$. Very few americans even know where and why our military is involved currently.
Bitcoin is a check on the money printer, they cant just inflate forever
Currently using over 0.5% of *global* electricity, and rapidly rising, nearly all bitcoin generation comes about through increased fossil fuel generation.
This is even true when the bitcoin mining operation is co-located at a renewable plant - the reason is that almost all generation is grid-connected, and the marginal producers on nearly all grids are fossil plants.
If you take power from one place, it has to be made up somewhere else, and that somewhere else will be a coal or gas plant.
The only time this is not true is for curtailed renewable generation, however curtailment is rare and short-lived - just as nature abhors a vacuum, markets abhor curtailment.
Even when crypto miners buy power directly from a renewable plant, it STILL results in fossil fuels being burned.
The reason is that when you divert power from the grid, that power must be made up somewhere else, and that 'somewhere else' is almost always a fossil plant.
Look it up yourself. Bitcoin is one of the most valuable assets on earth, and is owned by hundreds of millions of people
Nothing Bitcoin does or does not do will ever touch that.
Evidence >>> Ideology.
There is no evidence to support your claims, it's just a claim.
Bitcoin is a check on the money printer, they cant just inflate forever
The only time this is not true is for curtailed renewable generation, however curtailment is rare and short-lived - just as nature abhors a vacuum, markets abhor curtailment.
The reason is that when you divert power from the grid, that power must be made up somewhere else, and that 'somewhere else' is almost always a fossil plant.