But replaced with what? Shouldn’t they have the replacement ready before they destroy the existing government? If you are to build a new house, would you burn down your current home before starting construction on your new one, and leave yourself homeless for a year? Nonsense.
So, you want a king and no representation in government? You want to throw out our Constitution and put all power in the hands of people who have never worked a day in their lives. You don’t want to vote. You trust the king will take care of you. I think you need to read about George III.
You’re this you’re that- love rich people? That’s what we are up against- plutocracy - what we want is Democracy - no leader-a council of, by and for people that work
“What dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil?” Hamlet- I would think a caretaker government would be installed and soon after this former legislature government would serve in an advisory non adversarial role similar to the “house of lords” and the king No new “leader” - dictator
Replaced with a government of, by and for people that work- workers, farmers, shopkeepers- as opposed to a government (plutocratic) that watches people work. And yes it may make sense to burn down your house to build a new house- not something I recommend- I know it’s difficult to true democracy
There is no one in the White House or Cabinet who has worked a 12 hr day in a factory, restaurant or farm, especially the 2 billionaires at the center. The Sec. of Ed couldn’t say what IDEA means let alone IEP. Parents of disabled children know and know what destroying DOE will mean for their kids.
Thanks for the Wormley Agreement.