Yeah I would love a live action Marvel Zombies and while this animation will be TV-MA, I don't think it will get as crazy as the comics. Would be more interested in a comic accurate animated show at least and not a What If spin off
I thought they were only doing Daredevil, Thunderbolts and FF. Didn't they learn the lesson and said to focus on less projects to prioritize doing them wright without rushing schedules?
It wasn't the number of projects that was the issue, as they have had as much as this in the past. It was that they were all interconnected, drastically increasing the watch time to "keep up." Instead of a movie every couple of months, it was up to an hour of required viewing every single week.
Marvel Zombies came out as a dumb gimmick after 60 years of using these characters in monthly comics. The MCU has self destructed so hard it's resorting to that after 17.
Ya'll realize there are hundreds of thousands of comics and as long as comics never die it won't die in Hollywood right? Because a lot of this criticism is invalid.
It won't stop making money because people enjoy comics which is the point. Complaining that a genre of movies exists is literally brain rot. Criticizing Disney for making bad movies is fine.
No one is saying superhero movies will disappear, just that their cultural dominance will inevitably wane. The sheer volume of content has already lead to diminishing returns, both creatively and financially.
Fantastic Four and then X-Men should have come DIRECTLY after Endgame and Far From Home (and the hiatus in 2020); most of what they've been making instead since then does not need to exist.
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Oh, now they don't have to think for this Halloween. Just recycle and reuse.🤬