Biden also called for: 1. A ban on dark money PACs. 2. An 18 year term limit on Supreme Court Justices. 3. A ban on stock trading by members of Congress. 4. Amending the Constitution to end presidential immunity from crimes committed while in office.
We seriously need to stop wishing for an all power presidency. Maybe after a couple yrs of the Orange Menace folks will remember why we need 3 independent branches of gov’t.
House & Senate write legislation not the president. Do you think there were votes to pass any of it?
Amendment process
• Proposed by 2/3 vote of House & Senate or requested by 2/3 of State conventions called for that purpose
• Ratified by 3/4 of State legislatures or 3/4 of state conventions
H.R.327 - End Dark Money Act 1/15/2021
End dark $ tax breaks
H.R.1679 - Bipartisan Ban on Congressional Stock Ownership Act - 03/21/2023
S.2463 - Ban Stock Trading for Government Officials Act - 07/25/2023