"Surviving Brusselization: the fate (and future?) of an abandoned relic of industrial Brussels"
With the recent news that one of Brussels' iconic abandoned breweries is set for redevelopment, I dipped back into the BBC archive for this week's newsletter
With the recent news that one of Brussels' iconic abandoned breweries is set for redevelopment, I dipped back into the BBC archive for this week's newsletter
Just a stunning example of the city's abandoned industrial heritage, like a bombed-out missile silo https://brusselsnotes.substack.com/p/88-surviving-brusselization
Once did a tour there myself, & still get asked if I can do it again.
Will be a shame when some/all of this gets scrubbed out in the coming redevelopment https://brusselsnotes.substack.com/p/88-surviving-brusselization
The alternatives are redeveloping old houses or encroaching in nature. Or high rents for everyone.