Prior to the residential school era it was common for government agents to withhold food from Natives on reservations who refused to convert, then when they caved and converted the rations they were given were often rotten.
This! Not very talked abt but before escalating into mandatory residential schools the federal gov appointed religious agents to control reservation resources which they abuse to force them to go to church. On surface I can see why it’s “odd” natives r Christian, but converting was a survival skill.
Yeah, I was surprised when I went to a native powwow nearby that they were doing Christian prayer. Like WTF, that’s the religion whose Pope wrote a Papal Bull saying it was okay to steal lands/enslave their ancestors. Why choose your conquerer’s religion over your ancestors when you didn’t have to?
But then again, if we follow your logic, we should still be pagans, shouldn’t we? I wonder if we would have looked after this planet a bit better if we were?
It's funny to me how people pull away from the Bible and are more agnostic and don't even realize it. But they say it's just based on what you are born into. Which ever "sky cake" you prefer.
(Thank you Patton Oswald)
Pagan meant rustic, rural, of the country or land. It came to mean outside Judeo-Christian religion. Modern usage denotes adhering to nature based religions like Wicca or Native (once called savage) ones & no longer negative.
They'd have left Hawaii tf alone instead of forcing them into a state and making the Hawaiian language illegal. Went from 100% literate to almost 0% in one sweep. Wild thing is the British were leaving them be. Americans refused to.
It was that "blood thirsty" empire that let the "blood thirsty" Spanish empire in. Go figure. Those kind of empires eat themselves up that is one reason neither is around any longer. This empire is next if it doesn't get it's shit together.
Still, religion was a huge factor.
(Thank you Patton Oswald)
Pagan is the Christian word meaning "barbarian"
Barbarian meant outsiders, too. Violent aspect added later.
Spain alone burned temples, books, etc. out of fear they’d encourage revolt.