Honestly. My first thought was how refreshing it is to see that this wasn’t a talking point in the leadership race — this is just his kid and accepting them isn’t even an issue that needs to be discussed.
Because authoritarianism is the most childish of political positions. Childish people who worship childish leaders, all getting themselves worked up into tantrums for childish reasons. Still very dangerous though, because even though they are childish, they are adults with access weapons and power.
There's motivating hatred to be coined from deep sexual insecurities, and conservatives aren't about to waste the opportunity.
After all, the next election is going to be heavily focused on the economy, and the notion that Poilievre can rival Carney in that realm is a very hard sell, indeed.
These people don’t love their children - they don’t see them as people, just vectors upon which to force their ideology. The idea of respecting your child’s autonomy is completely alien to them and they assume that everyone must just be using their kids the same way they do.
That's because they treat children as tools. To MAGA, children are only as good as what they can do for adults. Providing socially acceptable achievements to brag about, marrying for influence, producing grandchildren, and taking care of their parents in their old age. It's a transaction to them.
Oh yes, the incredible self own that is “I love my child”. Only some liberal beta cuck would actually love their children for who they are, rather than some possession to be abused and ignored if they refuse to be your perfect little pet.
Yeah I was going to say like imagine trying to "own" a guy for having an ADULT child that's isn't cis? Its almost like transphobes view parenthood as some perpetual state of owning another human when that's not how that works.
Here in a single tweet lies all the intellectual and moral poverty of the right. It doesn’t even make sense. Is Carney supposed to say “sorry kid, I can’t support your gender identity or I’d be letting down my public?”
No he's supposed to say "I am your Patriarch. Conform to biblical gender norms or I will disown you." I suppose in their ideal world he could force them to do it via violence as well.
He's supposed to force his ideas (which should match theirs) on his children, who are his property.
This is the exact same propaganda the right spent hundreds of millions on to stoke transphobia before the last election. He’s a soulless worm who also happens to be a capitalist bloodsucker, too.
Unfortunately we would have to alter our laws a bit to do this. THAT NOTED extremist speech is actually technically already illegal in Canada (that's why the country has outright banned several far right groups from entering its borders) so they could bar conservatives from scapegoating minorities.
On the topic it would be very funny if Chris got like fined specifically because he's basically made his entire personally some one man show of trying to bring christofash flavored transphobia to this country (not that transphobia hasn't always existed here but this is rather specific variant of it)
i mean yeah if only it were that simple... anyhoo ethics aside it would create a real chance to be a martyr which I really feel would blow back in everyone's faces, literally have the opposite effect on society
Equality and freedom is every Canadiens rights, unless they abuse them. Carney is a character that supports this. That’s what democracy means. Nothing wrong with supporting your children, if that’s an issue then go join the maga’s in trumpville.
Have to wonder why Billboard Chris chose to be disgusting about only one of Carney's 4 kids, in such a Trump-y way. I mean, there are 3 other kids just WAITING for him to find something to attack their father about, hmmm?
I think this is the counterargument to conservatives who say they represent "common sense" on gender identity. Loving and supporting your kids is actually common sense.
Do we knowing if this is even true at this point? Bears all of the hallmarks of classic right-wing disinformation. It’s the one thing that is sure to rile up the Maple MAGATs.
It’s going to get worse in the next few weeks before the election.
Poilievre is a Trump wannabe..
The tech bros will do everything they can on social media to attract him.
They should see how the anti-trans rhetoric plays out politically in Canada. I'm sure a few individuals from New Brunswick's last election can give them some details.
i would not be so confident, in contrast look at alberta and saskatchewan. we have so much of the astroturfed right wing propaganda from america, that is its biggest export, and its breaking everyone's brains. i wish i had your optimism but i fear we're just a few years behind america in reality
(and this is assuming that we don't get militarily invaded and annexed)
idk even if mark carney personally has a nonbinary kid i don't trust him and his party to not capitulate to conservatives on this matter, like they are doing on so many others
at the very least they seem less and less…
There's a chud in Ottawa that disowned his child because they are trans, and he made it his whole personality. He got his ass divorced, ran for school trustee and lost to a trans person, then recently ran for MPP and was beaten by a trans person. LMAO
Didn’t this same stupid vapid slogan get used in the US election?
Not only do they lack empathy but also imagination.
After all, the next election is going to be heavily focused on the economy, and the notion that Poilievre can rival Carney in that realm is a very hard sell, indeed.
There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."
-Frank Wilhoit
He's supposed to force his ideas (which should match theirs) on his children, who are his property.
they've no respect for the law, decency, the truth
i fear this election will be the most hateful we've ever seen
i mean yeah if only it were that simple... anyhoo ethics aside it would create a real chance to be a martyr which I really feel would blow back in everyone's faces, literally have the opposite effect on society
Seriously hateful & dangerous account.
But what a win for the liberals.
Poilievre is a Trump wannabe..
The tech bros will do everything they can on social media to attract him.
This some “all lives matter” ass shit.
No, not like that.
Either they're reading the room wrong or the room is scary.
website from:Genderqueeries.bsky.social
I have a bunch of screenshots up over the last year.
idk even if mark carney personally has a nonbinary kid i don't trust him and his party to not capitulate to conservatives on this matter, like they are doing on so many others
at the very least they seem less and less…