As I get older, the more I understand the intensity of defense for nsfw that I wouldn’t have understood if I was a teen. Like, the “weirdos” on the internet aren’t behaving territorial and protective for no reason. They’ve just been alive long enough to see the rise and change in corpo censorship
- the anime boom had started here in the states and Japan was getting labeled as the weird place that makes weird porn so they started heavy censoring to get less US flack
Imagine selling a dull sword that can't be sharpened and saying "take it or leave it".....
The weebs, weirdos and gooners all fought for their right to fatt anime titties and dicks without black bars (Myself included), but corporations and constituents dictate what can and can't happen
Best the people can do is make our own fan art and show em how it's done!
Even the dragon warrior/quest creator stated a few years back about how redesigns had to be done to avoid higher ESRB ratings in the US
But he spoke 100% truths about how the system works. If he wants better sales in the US, he has to adhere to US stigmas/censorship to make those sales...
Here in the US, violence is fine but skin is a sin... And it's only getting worse