People are sleep walking through this upcoming federal election here as well. Just like Trump had his "poor uneducated voters" it's the same thing here. PP has his own "poor uneducated voters". There's probably a really good chance that PP will win the next election as he has 37% to 40% support.
It's been said many times now that PP is a complete mini me Trump. He follows Trump's winning playbook to the word. Everything Trump did in his campaign, PP is doing in his campaign. The results will be the same here if PP wins. PP still has approximately 37% to 40% support. He will likely win.
Once Carney wins the Liberal leadership all bets are off. I’m hearing from people who have always supported their political party now saying they will now vote strategically to make sure the Liberals win and to not split the vote. That means the NDP, Greens and Bloc will likely lose seats.
We know most Americans support democracy.
If Ontario wants2 avoid becoming the 51st state(with Ford refusing 2cancel Starlink),the silent majority NEEDS TO GET LOUD
#VoteFordOut TODAY!
You don’t need a voter card just ID at your election office-find it here: