Thread: Yesterday I got to experience what it must have been like to be diagnosed with hysteria last century.
On Monday night I got knocked backwards to the ground playing AFL9s (technically "no contact" AFL) and hit the top of my crown pretty hard on the ground. 1/...
On Monday night I got knocked backwards to the ground playing AFL9s (technically "no contact" AFL) and hit the top of my crown pretty hard on the ground. 1/...
The next day I woke up with an extremely sore and stiff neck. I decided to see a GP at my regular clinic to get checked out and to get advice if I should avoid any heavy lifting at work for a few days (I have a physical job). 2/...
I was flabbergasted.
She then asked "are you stressed?"
I made the unfortunate mistake of flippantly saying "all the time" (*gestures at the world*). She took this as confirmation. 4/...
She refused to budge on her theory and seemed to double down, telling me it was very common for women in their 40's to have neck pain and headaches from stress. 5/...
I told her that I love my job but would just like to know if I should avoid particular physical tasks. She snapped at me that I'd have to see a physio about that and she couldn't help with that, but I was fine.
Personally, I think Occam's Razor would say the muscles & ligaments in my neck got strained when my head snapped back as I hit the ground, and all going well should heal within a few days. 7/.