If you ever get a call or email from SSA, the IRS, or your Bank and they ask for personal information, it's probably a scam. Don't tell them anything, and don't call phone numbers from emails. Look up the number on their website and only use that.
If you ever get a call or email from SSA, the IRS, or your Bank and they ask for personal information, it's probably a scam. Don't tell them anything, and don't call phone numbers from emails. Look up the number on their website and only use that.
Be nice to those 800# folks. They've been dealing with way more than anyone should be expected to.
The wonderful AltGov community has the followers to make a difference.
Teach folks how to vet information and use the web safely.
unlimited access to info w/o critical thinking skills = our biggest problem.
- ret. fed IT spec
i owe it to the years of mandatory training as an army civilian.
EVERYONE needs to know how to stay safe on the internet and how NOT to listen to their uncle's youtube channel.