Eh. You can do the basics in the menus, macros are to shortcut or auto chain. I still never use macros on simpler jobs like Dragoon, mostly use em on Red Mage, where I can do everything.
Really? I vaguely remember having to make a macro even just to auto-attack... 🤔 Anyway, even if it's possible to do otherwise, it's extremely unintuitive and anyone used to controls of any PC MMOs from the last 20 years will have a really hard time playing it...
Hit enter when you're targeting a mob and it will open an offline FF style menu. Pick attack and it starts to auto attack.
The game was designed for the PS2 originally, and built to be like the prior 10. Technically PC is a port even though it's all we saw over here for the first couple of years.
The game was designed for the PS2 originally, and built to be like the prior 10. Technically PC is a port even though it's all we saw over here for the first couple of years.