Cyberpunk is a genre of fiction. And it is a warning about the dangers that await us. And those dangers get closer every day.
#ai #art #aisafety #cyberpunk
Cyberpunk is a genre of fiction. And it is a warning about the dangers that await us. And those dangers get closer every day.
#ai #art #aisafety #cyberpunk
Neal Stephenson's "Snowcrash" is far more comedic than dark, and his other works such as "Idoru" and "Diamond Age" end on positive notes of with the world ultimately becoming a better place.
Bruce Sterling's "Holy Fire" is also good.
I feel that SNS addiction and video distribution "VTuber" are similar to this.
People are walking on their own.
The near-term dangers of AI are about who controls it, what it is used for, and what decisions we let it make for us.