Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii, 2010) shipped with a carboard sleeve, the front of which was covered in a specially printed felt-like material to mimic the in-game world.
(It's kind of hard to scan a tactile experience, so hopefully the photo gives you an idea!)
(It's kind of hard to scan a tactile experience, so hopefully the photo gives you an idea!)
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Was it a special edition kinda deal?
Maybe it was a very specific regional thing over here? :/
Tried a bit of extra research and not turning up much. I bought it new in the UK when it came out and don't recall it being labelled as a Special Edition. Might be mistaken though - it was nearly 14 years ago! 😲
I did get it the same week it originally launched though.
but sadly didn't get that lovely fabric slipcover.
It's actually the first I've heard of it.