That may be true. It's a damn shame there are so few tools effective against wholesale corruption. Is it possible to negotiate with gangrene? (Or any other form of destructive rot?)
Does it stop? Is Trump both the source and the sole motivation behind all this? Is he Emperor Palpatine, whose death will somehow cause a galaxy-spanning empire of space fascists to just quit building Death Stars?
And it's not hard for another conductor to step into the role. Look at how many are trying.
I don't say this to dismiss the French solution. I'm only cautioning against the very wrong, very dangerous idea that defeating one man defeats all of that man's adherents and allies 1/2
2/2 just as I'd caution that defeat on its own is not enough. Defeat only creates a power vacuum another would-be dictator can fill. We must defeat Trump AND Trump's system WHILE having a plan to replace that system with one Trump and his allies can't control.
Sadly, by "we" I think you might mean "those we have elected to represent us".... and I don't see them acting for the greater good right now. (Frankly, I don't see them taking much action at all.) It doesn't seem like the rot is contained solely to the trumpanzees.
I don't say this to dismiss the French solution. I'm only cautioning against the very wrong, very dangerous idea that defeating one man defeats all of that man's adherents and allies 1/2