List of recently hired Executive Branch positions with extremely poor performance reviews who must also be fired ASAP:
Vice President
Entire Executive Cabinet
You think that’s the end goal? Nope … we almost there now and got 3 more years. They are currently attempting to change Juneteenth to Trump bday celebration N Korea style
The level of kompromat, empty promises, & physical threats required to get every single Republican in every level of America's government to cooperate & assist Vladimir Putin in a vast effort to destroy the US from within must be staggering. Yet no one seems interested in investigating that.
Part of MAGA’s plan for the F🤬er’s inevitable 2028 presidential run.
They’ll attempt to circumnavigate the constitution and when the uproar begins, martial law is decreed and his hand picked military leadership will enforce it.
I think we’re seeing the first small signs eg., the posters, the buttons at CPAC the social media conversation on the topic now.
The F🤬er will continue to dismantle our democracy and tank our ( the worlds ) economy until it becomes unbearable. Then the civil unrest begins and spreads.
They're an impatient bunch this term around and ppl are already protesting.
Imagine what'll happen when Grandma's nursing home doesn't receive a chk from Medicaid. Or, Social Security pmts aren't credited to bank accts. Or, Medicare doesn't pay some old fart's hosp bill?
Yes. Absolutely. Over time it will get more intense. The intention is to put fear in the populace. I think by this time, even many non-wealthy MAGAS will see the light.
Now it all depends on what the liquidated will do with their talent, doesn't it? Makes you wonder just what's going on. I already have a suspicion; they would be in a position to know for sure.
Vice President
Entire Executive Cabinet
They’ll attempt to circumnavigate the constitution and when the uproar begins, martial law is decreed and his hand picked military leadership will enforce it.
I think we’re seeing the first small signs eg., the posters, the buttons at CPAC the social media conversation on the topic now.
The F🤬er will continue to dismantle our democracy and tank our ( the worlds ) economy until it becomes unbearable. Then the civil unrest begins and spreads.
Do they think we would turn in our guns and return home without a fight?
Imagine what'll happen when Grandma's nursing home doesn't receive a chk from Medicaid. Or, Social Security pmts aren't credited to bank accts. Or, Medicare doesn't pay some old fart's hosp bill?
All hell will break loose.
Sign yours!