And what should we do? If they mean to kill us, or work us to death, or just let us die without needed resources, then what?
How can we survive? How do we overcome?
I assure you that hard times are coming. Find resolve, solidarity with each other. No oppressor ever relented without struggle.
A Party not about winning elections. A party of revolution. Check out liberation news. Liberation school. The Socialist Program with Brian Becker.
A whole lot has been learned since the 1917 people's revolution. Claudia de la cruz karina Garcia great leaders. Among many.
How can we survive? How do we overcome?
I assure you that hard times are coming. Find resolve, solidarity with each other. No oppressor ever relented without struggle.
A Party not about winning elections. A party of revolution. Check out liberation news. Liberation school. The Socialist Program with Brian Becker.
A whole lot has been learned since the 1917 people's revolution. Claudia de la cruz karina Garcia great leaders. Among many.
Then i shook my head and realised its worse!