I seen one video saying they brought back the kkk voter challenge rules from the 40s I haven't found substantiating evidence of this yet but its asserted that they stole or turned away up to 4 million voters whom otherwise would have voted and 4 mill could have put Harris over Ole Orange Toiletbrush
It’s the 39% of Americans who didn’t vote who are the concern. The orange orangutan is your president because of them. It’s like that in our country too. 🇨🇦
Voting should be made mandatory like in Australia and other countries.
In fact, 31% of eligible voters voted for this ass hole. Same percentage of Americans who continued to support Nixon even after he resigned in shame. Bottom line: 30% of this country will always make the wrong decision. Half of them will never admit it.
I hope this leads to an actual revolution to bring down the entire capitalist fascist system. We need our lenin now. Trump is nothing but a symptom. The American empire has always been the problem. Our founders were genocidal slave owners. Lenin liberated the slaves
I read today Orange Shitler is once again going after any news organizations that say anything bad about him. It's impossible to find one good thing about him.
I'm so sick and tired of being pissed off, but today I saw this shit, verified true, how can anyone be against a small minority of people who are just minding their own business and just want to be left alone?
Well, I can tell you as a Canadian 🇨🇦 we'll never visit again! We've stopped buying all US made products! I understand like 650 people lost their jobs in Kentucky just because we no longer buy their bourbon. Get rid of tR🐷mp immediately...🙏🤔☮️✔️
We won’t be able to ANY time soon. This is a coup. The levers of democracy are broken. I understand your boycotts but I hope you don’t abandon our people.
Fuck your people. Ur govt throws people who cross the border in concentration camps or chains and nothing is done. Fight against the magats investing the rotting carcass of your country. None of u seem to understand that peaceful protests are not going to get it done.
🚨Take the time to watch American Mindf*ck if you truly want to know how the US got here and why. We all need to know the scope of the problem in order to solve it. Kudos to @jim-stewartson.bsky.social for his in depth documentary !! Necessary information !!! 🚨
On my pinned post.
Thank you! As many people as possible need to see it while we have the chance to. It’s not in YouTube. It’s about how the big tech indoctrinated the cult in the States to program them to vote for their pawn. The other videos on my pinned post show why the tech reich is creating chaos.
36% were too lazy or thought "they're all the same." I'm sure Harris would have tried to destroy the government and would be playing footsie with Putin right now.
Trumf signs a War Act now!!!! Marshall Law against us all next!!!!! This evil must stop Now!! Fucking republican slime in this country needs to be eliminated Now!!!!!!
It is easy to make accusations about things if you know little about it. 68% OF AMERICANS DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP! Many who did, did not know what they were voting for. They were scammed. Here are the actual numbers.
Not sure if US system is the same. If the form is slightly incorrect=vote invalid, goes to majority. We have a choice to fill a simple form typically numbering 1 to 6- If they don't get in, vote goes to majority. The only way to make our vote actually count- take the time to fill in almost 50 boxes.
In US, if vote is invalid it gets tossed and counted as a no vote. Registration for vote and ballot appearance and rules are different among the 50 states. Each state imposes their own election rules, even for Federal elections.
Once the popular vote is tallied, then there is assignment of a number based on an electoral college. # is assigned based on population of each state. Some states get much more than others. Winner is decided by most electoral college votes, not popular vote. We hate that.
I love how he sits there braging about his numbers when in reality, only about 153 million people voted and of that, he barely got half of that in a nation with close to 340 million people.
Of the 260 + plus million who could vote, over 100 million did not vote, and that is more of a concern.
It was no mandate, for sure, but he did get the most votes this time. Much as you and I hate that fact, the American people, collectively, are getting what they voted for even if they didn’t know it at the time.
Just like with Hilary (Kamala could be considered Hilary II) it's the Electoral College that determines who wins. If you get JUST the popular vote, it's not enough.
That too. With those elections, DNC did terribly for us. Also, Russian interference proven in 2016. We KNOW about the many types of interference in 2024. Kinda amazed Joe won in 2020.
That’s part of the problem and their message. I hope they are in the resistance now creating Good Trouble as the mandate of the people is getting louder that the RICH will not REPLACE US
Well yeah but the majority who did vote did vote for him. That's why things are different now. It may not be a large margin but it's enough to realize how many people have been fed disinformation and believe it. We need to be realistic about what we're fighting. People need education.
No they didn’t. The majority voted for someone else. Either Kamala or a third party. He did not win even half the vote. All told 28% of the electorate voted for Orange.
"With 96% of the vote in, Trump has, according to the Associated Press, 49.97% to Vice President Harris' 48.36%, or 76.9 million votes to 74.4 million." That is the majority. I'm not a trump supporter at all but I'm not blind to realize that majority who voted, voted for him.
There are millions of archive servers around the world. A big one is in San Francisco. https://web.archive.org/
The truth is out there. It's not like burning books, they can't scrub the internet of the truth. They may try to block access but the world will know the truth.
We aren't. Most Americans need to work. We are in debt. 50% of this country lives paycheck to paycheck. What we need is a catalyst but the media isn't going to give us one.
Only 28% of the actual voting population voted for him. Also, it doesn’t matter the disparity. The point you already got, it’s NOT a MANDATE. THAT is the propaganda.
Another very helpful form of expression. Memes, gifs. Meme making started helping me in 2020. I couldn’t fully express the rage so I started making raunchy memes 😂
The very sad thing is that there was a whole bunch of registered Democrats who didn't vote at all. That's why this Country is pathetic. Lazy, arrogant, selfish Americans. France anyone?
It’s all part of the conditioning. We don’t get civic education. We are not mandated nor encouraged to vote. Soooo many are simply oppressed, abused and intentionally not educated.
Voting should be made mandatory like in Australia and other countries.
Because if you don’t vote, you cannot complain!
I hope this leads to an actual revolution to bring down the entire capitalist fascist system. We need our lenin now. Trump is nothing but a symptom. The American empire has always been the problem. Our founders were genocidal slave owners. Lenin liberated the slaves
On my pinned post.
The US&A is hovering on the knife-edge
Dems capitulated way too soon, way too quickly....
since there was LESS than
ONE PERCENT difference between Harris & Chump,
that means:
Put simply,
more votes were cast for NOT Trump
The bloated rapists’
lies don’t change a
Of the 260 + plus million who could vote, over 100 million did not vote, and that is more of a concern.
That’s part of the problem and their message. I hope they are in the resistance now creating Good Trouble as the mandate of the people is getting louder that the RICH will not REPLACE US
Voting irregularities
and Putin
The truth is out there. It's not like burning books, they can't scrub the internet of the truth. They may try to block access but the world will know the truth.
No more words.
Democracy is in real trouble.
Time for action.
We French will always fight dictators and kings.
Better than protests as it damages the economy.
We are famous at that game. 😏
1) the electoral college
2) stupid M*****F***ers not voting while they had a chance.
The rest voted for him or were fine with it.
Please FB!
Keep fighting!!
The GOP are all liars!!!!