Also I know there’s probably better or rarer cards or whatever but as a GX girlie YOOO LOOK AT THIS SHINY FLAME WINGMAN LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO COOL HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY :D
Did you know they released a new version of Flame Wingman last year? (Sadly this one doesn't have the signature burn effect anymore, trading it for some Hero support instead)
It's always funny seeing people engage with yugioh as someone who plays and collects seriously. This card is really good, but also just a funny lil guy
frog cards are so cool and because of the late, great frog the jam every single frog effect had "except frog the jam" until they renamed the great hero
I would like to add the information that frogs and toads are archetypes in Yu-Gi-Oh and that you can build a whole deck around them
Yes. Paleos and Frogs. That's the Pool. Nothing Else.
and then everyone hates toadally awesome as soon as their opponent summons it