Keit often forgets that she lives in a post-scarcity utopia where she can have free drinks anytime she wants... Ah, the cause and effect are starting to make sense now.
Bonus panel at
Bonus panel at
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Apply the Suggestive, Nudity, or Adult tag. That's sufficient.
Graphic Media is for genuinely disturbing imagery: war, blood, violent imagery, things like that.
This isn't graphic media!
As well, it reduces the warning's effectiveness. Now I see graphic media and I think, is that actually graphic media or just smut incorrectly cw'd?
Worse when you were "Wild West Era" internet aka rotten dot com, Goat Se and had to TRY to do anything>
The era of "Free" social media vs paid hosting - and the former owned by giant companies so search results hide the latter is an era of "We don't charge so you can't say you didn't get what you paid for..."
Note I put the FULL tags on these images since nudity, sex>
Your image is "Suggestive" at worst...but again I can understand just "Full warning" sick of virtual blue noses hitting the flag like a rat in a skinner box late at night and "WTF!? Why can't I log in...?"
Image btw is public domain, Govern-NOT 'research' to give drugs to>>
But Rat in Skinner Box - alone in dark box, hits lever for cocaine, eventually fries its brain. That's the people who hit flags all day. Rats that can socialize with others rarely fry themselves on drugs, but that research was suppressed.
It blocks it from showing on my feed without manual intervention.
Adult or Sexual would be the better labels